Wright Park Improvements
Rendering of play features selected for Wright Park
Wright Park construction set to begin
Get excited! Wright Park construction will begin in the spring of 2025. To remain in environmental compliance, a few trees and shrubs that are in poor health will need to be removed prior to construction. These removals will also make way for the new neighborhood dog park to be added to the park.
In addition, the project includes planting 211 new trees to support the park and city sustainability goals. New shrubs and grasses will also enhance the park.
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Rendering of play features selected for Wright Park
Wright Park construction set to begin
Get excited! Wright Park construction will begin in the spring of 2025. To remain in environmental compliance, a few trees and shrubs that are in poor health will need to be removed prior to construction. These removals will also make way for the new neighborhood dog park to be added to the park.
In addition, the project includes planting 211 new trees to support the park and city sustainability goals. New shrubs and grasses will also enhance the park.
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Learn more about Wright Park planning
The City of Lakewood and Stream Landscape Architecture teamed up to develop a master plan to re-imagine Wright Park! Located at 500 Wright St., this 10-acre neighborhood park is located West of Union Boulevard and South of Sixth Avenue in Ward 1. This community space plays an important role in the neighborhood as it serves more than 2,000 residences within 1/4-mile of the park that have limited outdoor space or yards. The park currently provides ample open space, soft-surface trails and a small playground.
With input from the community and stakeholders, the city developed a master site plan for the future of this special park to provide amenities desired by the neighborhood.
Final Master Plan for Wright Park
Share Final Master Plan for Wright Park on Facebook Share Final Master Plan for Wright Park on Twitter Share Final Master Plan for Wright Park on Linkedin Email Final Master Plan for Wright Park linkThank you for your feedback! Following an extensive public engagement process for Wright Park, the city has an approved Master Site Plan for the park! Construction is anticipated to begin in the late summer of 2024. Submit a question to the project team using the Q & A Tool.
Wright Park Master Plan now available
Share Wright Park Master Plan now available on Facebook Share Wright Park Master Plan now available on Twitter Share Wright Park Master Plan now available on Linkedin Email Wright Park Master Plan now available linkThank you for your input! Following two public meetings, surveys, and other resident input, the Wright Park Preliminary Master Plan is now available. Next steps for the project will be development review to include fire, planning and engineering. Following internal city approvals and any resulting minor modifications, staff will issue a Request for Proposals for construction of the park improvements. Currently, funding for construction is set aside in 2023. Review the site plan below and use the comment field to provide your feedback by Monday, Oct. 31.
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Wright Park Public Meeting #2
Share Wright Park Public Meeting #2 on Facebook Share Wright Park Public Meeting #2 on Twitter Share Wright Park Public Meeting #2 on Linkedin Email Wright Park Public Meeting #2 linkDid you miss the Wright Park meeting in the park on June 11? View the concepts and play elements presented and stay tuned for a draft final concept coming soon. Thanks to all who joined us for fun in the park!
Survey and Public Meeting Recording
Share Survey and Public Meeting Recording on Facebook Share Survey and Public Meeting Recording on Twitter Share Survey and Public Meeting Recording on Linkedin Email Survey and Public Meeting Recording linkMissed the first public meeting on April 13? A recording is now available!
The park survey has closed. View the Survey Results.
Virtual Public Meeting April 13
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Join the project team on Wednesday, April 13 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. to re-imagine Wright Park! This virtual meeting will be recorded and posted to the project page.To join:
Topic: Wright Park Virtual Public Workshop
Time: Apr 13, 2022 05:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 8608 5918
Passcode: 235342
Dial by your location 720 707 2699 US (Denver)
Key Dates
April 13 2022
June 11 2022
Project Timeline
April 2022: Project Survey Live
Wright Park Improvements has finished this stageThe Wright Park Master Plan survey is now available.
April 13, 2022: Virtual Public Workshop
Wright Park Improvements has finished this stageDon't miss the first public workshop to revitalize the future Wright Park! Meeting Details
May- June, 2022: Develop Master Plan Concepts
Wright Park Improvements has finished this stageThe project team will consolidate feedback received from the survey and first public workshop to develop concepts for Lakewood residents to consider.
June 11, 2022: Public Play Workshop #2
Wright Park Improvements has finished this stageJoin us at the park on Saturday, June 11 from 10 a.m. to noon! Residents will help to create a re-imagined site design for Wright Park and share feedback at a fun, interactive event at the park. Fun for all ages, opportunities to participate will be provided for both children and adults.
September, 2022: Final Master Plan Available
Wright Park Improvements has finished this stagePlans are underway! Construction of future park amenities are currently funded for 2024-2025.
Spring 2025: Construction Begins
Wright Park Improvements is currently at this stageGet excited! The design team is preparing drawings for park construction based on the Master Plan. Park construction is anticipated to begin in the Spring of 2025 (May). Subscribe to this page for updates.
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Email brachr@lakewood.org