In what area will the project take place?
This project is along West Colfax Avenue in Lakewood, from Sheridan Blvd to Teller St.
Why was this segment of West Colfax selected?
This segment of West Colfax in Lakewood has the highest rate of crashes, injuries and fatalities within any stretch of road in Lakewood and including other segments of West Colfax Avenue in Lakewood. The need to address the safety issues is greatest here. Lakewood Transportation Engineering identified 820 total crashes in this 1.5-mile segment from January 2015 to December 2019. These crashes have caused 283 serious injuries and six fatalities, and 98 of the crashes involved a pedestrian or cyclist. Of the 98 crashes, 74 resulted in serious injuries and five resulted in death. These statistics indicate that a crash occurred every other day in the project area.
When will these improvements be made?
The full details of the timeline to build out this project are still in the works; however, under the grant requirements, construction must be substantially completed by mid-2024.
How will this project make crossing West Colfax Avenue safer?
The project will be looking at creating safe mid-block crossing spots for pedestrians and all users to decrease the distance between crosswalks and reduce the occurrence of people unexpectedly crossing the road. To do this, signals could be installed that are activated by pedestrians to stop cars (HAWK signals) or Z crossings that give pedestrians a safe spot to stop in the median and make them more visible to drivers. Better lighting for pedestrians and drivers and public art to be created in collaboration with local neighborhoods and businesses are also part of the solution.
How will sidewalks be improved along West Colfax Avenue?
Current sidewalks along Colfax are inconsistent, frequently in poor condition, and in some places non-existent. Some are comfortable, but others are uneven, narrow, next to moving vehicles and have obstructions. The outside vehicle lane in each direction will be repurposed to make space for safe, comfortable accessible and consistent sidewalks.
How will this project make driving safer and more comfortable?
Vehicle safety and comfort will be improved with this project by making it easier for pedestrians to see approaching vehicles when turning left. Protected left turn movements will make it easier for drivers to see and predict when a pedestrian might enter the road.
Will this project cause issues for drivers?
The potential for driving delays has been evaluated, and delays are not anticipated due to this project. Some improvements, such as bus pullouts at stops, are included in the design to keep traffic moving comfortably by getting buses out of the lane of traffic. Other improvements, such as the mid-block pedestrian crossing signals, will be coordinated with existing traffic signals to minimize vehicle delay.
Who is paying for this project?
This project is being funded primarily through a major grant from the Colorado Department of Transportation with some matching funds from the City of Lakewood.
What elements of this work can the community provide input on?
The community can provide input on the look and feel of the design for pedestrian crossings, bus stops and sidewalk designs. Also open for input are art and amenities such as benches, shade elements, murals and landscaping. The project also needs guidance on locations to improve driving comfort with better sight lines and improving left turn lanes. The community can also provide input on how to build stronger connections to existing routes and community destinations.
Is this project in line with the vision and any other community plans?
The West Colfax Vision 2040 Action Plan identifies goals for the area for the next 20 years. These goals include exploring ways to build attractive and safe pedestrian infrastructure along West Colfax and identifying critical pedestrian connections and crossings as well as intersection improvements. This is also reflected in the 40 West Arts District Urban Design and Mobility Concepts document.
When should I expect to see any construction?
Construction is not expected to occur for quite some time. Much detailed design work will be completed first. The earliest any construction will occur will be in late 2022. You may see a few surveyors out in the area before that.
How will this project coordinate with the North Dry Gulch Drainage Improvements?
The projects will intersect for a small portion of West Colfax, on the north side of Colfax between Pierce to Newland. Both project teams see the value in collaborating to coordinate the projects so that all improvements, to the extent possible, can be made at the same time. You can read more about the project here: https://www.lakewood.org/Government/Departments/Public-Works/North-Dry-Gulch-Improvements