James E. Harrison park improvements

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Consultation has concluded. The park is open

The renovated James E. Harrison Park, 544 S. Simms St., is complete after receiving a new playground and shelter! Thank you for your input.

On June 10, 2019, City Council renamed South Simms Street Park the James E. Harrison Park to honor the former Tuskegee Airman for his years of service to the Lakewood community. In 2021, the City of Lakewood approved funding to upgrade the existing playground, add a restroom enclosure and provide accessibility updates. The Glennon Heights Homeowners Association also applied for and received a Neighborhood Participation Program grant for a new picnic shelter in 2021.

View the Preliminary Site Plan

The Community Resources Department project team has created a Preliminary Site Plan based on public survey results. View the plan and use the comments feature under the "Project Updates" section of this page to share your input. Subscribe to this page for future updates.

Park improvement considerations:

  • Remove the existing equipment, install new equipment and playground surface, replace the existing shelter with a larger shelter and add picnic tables, grills and trash receptacles.
  • Install play equipment that meets safety requirements established by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Handbook for Public Playground Safety.
  • Provide a variety of play structures and components encouraging activities inclusive of multiple age groups and abilities.
  • Meet current American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.


The renovated James E. Harrison Park, 544 S. Simms St., is complete after receiving a new playground and shelter! Thank you for your input.

On June 10, 2019, City Council renamed South Simms Street Park the James E. Harrison Park to honor the former Tuskegee Airman for his years of service to the Lakewood community. In 2021, the City of Lakewood approved funding to upgrade the existing playground, add a restroom enclosure and provide accessibility updates. The Glennon Heights Homeowners Association also applied for and received a Neighborhood Participation Program grant for a new picnic shelter in 2021.

View the Preliminary Site Plan

The Community Resources Department project team has created a Preliminary Site Plan based on public survey results. View the plan and use the comments feature under the "Project Updates" section of this page to share your input. Subscribe to this page for future updates.

Park improvement considerations:

  • Remove the existing equipment, install new equipment and playground surface, replace the existing shelter with a larger shelter and add picnic tables, grills and trash receptacles.
  • Install play equipment that meets safety requirements established by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Handbook for Public Playground Safety.
  • Provide a variety of play structures and components encouraging activities inclusive of multiple age groups and abilities.
  • Meet current American with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.


Consultation has concluded. The park is open

Ask a question of the project team. We will get back to you within two business days. Please note, your questions will be visible to the public. 

  • Share Any update on timeframe? My kids and I are extremely excited for the new park and think the proposed plan is great! I know we will be making daily trips once it is all set up. on Facebook Share Any update on timeframe? My kids and I are extremely excited for the new park and think the proposed plan is great! I know we will be making daily trips once it is all set up. on Twitter Share Any update on timeframe? My kids and I are extremely excited for the new park and think the proposed plan is great! I know we will be making daily trips once it is all set up. on Linkedin Email Any update on timeframe? My kids and I are extremely excited for the new park and think the proposed plan is great! I know we will be making daily trips once it is all set up. link

    Any update on timeframe? My kids and I are extremely excited for the new park and think the proposed plan is great! I know we will be making daily trips once it is all set up.

    Jordon asked about 2 years ago

    Hi there,

    Supply chain issues were an issue for this project, but we have good news! The contracted completion date for the project is August and the notice to proceed with construction went out today.  The project includes a new play area, shelter, play equipment, accessible walks, restroom enclosure, associated landscaping and updated irrigation per the preliminary site plan.

  • Share Everyone I've talked too says its a horrible design. No one wants this new park including me. I also saw three Notices last night when walking by and this morning I saw someone removed them. Did the City of lakewood remove them? One of the notices was clearly written by a child but its still stands I would think. on Facebook Share Everyone I've talked too says its a horrible design. No one wants this new park including me. I also saw three Notices last night when walking by and this morning I saw someone removed them. Did the City of lakewood remove them? One of the notices was clearly written by a child but its still stands I would think. on Twitter Share Everyone I've talked too says its a horrible design. No one wants this new park including me. I also saw three Notices last night when walking by and this morning I saw someone removed them. Did the City of lakewood remove them? One of the notices was clearly written by a child but its still stands I would think. on Linkedin Email Everyone I've talked too says its a horrible design. No one wants this new park including me. I also saw three Notices last night when walking by and this morning I saw someone removed them. Did the City of lakewood remove them? One of the notices was clearly written by a child but its still stands I would think. link

    Everyone I've talked too says its a horrible design. No one wants this new park including me. I also saw three Notices last night when walking by and this morning I saw someone removed them. Did the City of lakewood remove them? One of the notices was clearly written by a child but its still stands I would think.

    Lakewood resident 22 asked over 2 years ago

    Hi there,

    The notices that were put over the park sign showing residents how to provide feedback were there this morning and are considered defacing public property. They have been removed, but will be included in the public feedback received through the survey and project page. Many channels are available to provide feedback including comments and questions through the project page and via email to CRinfo@lakewood.org. Public notices were provided early this year to the neighborhood and shared through all city communication channels. Feedback received along with 87 survey responses, generated the site plan for the park. 

  • Share The plan is confusing are you keeping the tennis courts ? on Facebook Share The plan is confusing are you keeping the tennis courts ? on Twitter Share The plan is confusing are you keeping the tennis courts ? on Linkedin Email The plan is confusing are you keeping the tennis courts ? link

    The plan is confusing are you keeping the tennis courts ?

    LisaW asked over 2 years ago

    Yes! The tennis courts will remain. 

  • Share My staff received a request from someone in the neighborhood of adding horse-shoe pits. Just wanted to mention it as I do know this neighborhood usually has been having a larger block party around July 4th. A enclosure for a porto-let would be helpfull as well. Thank you all. on Facebook Share My staff received a request from someone in the neighborhood of adding horse-shoe pits. Just wanted to mention it as I do know this neighborhood usually has been having a larger block party around July 4th. A enclosure for a porto-let would be helpfull as well. Thank you all. on Twitter Share My staff received a request from someone in the neighborhood of adding horse-shoe pits. Just wanted to mention it as I do know this neighborhood usually has been having a larger block party around July 4th. A enclosure for a porto-let would be helpfull as well. Thank you all. on Linkedin Email My staff received a request from someone in the neighborhood of adding horse-shoe pits. Just wanted to mention it as I do know this neighborhood usually has been having a larger block party around July 4th. A enclosure for a porto-let would be helpfull as well. Thank you all. link

    My staff received a request from someone in the neighborhood of adding horse-shoe pits. Just wanted to mention it as I do know this neighborhood usually has been having a larger block party around July 4th. A enclosure for a porto-let would be helpfull as well. Thank you all.

    Bill Clark asked almost 3 years ago

    Thanks Bill! We have plans in process for the port-o-let enclosure, completely agree it is a necessary amenity to include. I'll pass along the horseshoe pit idea to the project manager as well. Thanks!

  • Share I'm excited to see the new park. My son, dog, and I get a lot of use out of it now. He helped submit his playground ideas in the survey. Outside of playground stuff, I would love to see more trees in the park too. I'd be happy to gift money for extra trees. If Amber or Nestor reply back that this is feasible or allowable, I will follow up with them. Barring adding more trees, please keep the ones we have. on Facebook Share I'm excited to see the new park. My son, dog, and I get a lot of use out of it now. He helped submit his playground ideas in the survey. Outside of playground stuff, I would love to see more trees in the park too. I'd be happy to gift money for extra trees. If Amber or Nestor reply back that this is feasible or allowable, I will follow up with them. Barring adding more trees, please keep the ones we have. on Twitter Share I'm excited to see the new park. My son, dog, and I get a lot of use out of it now. He helped submit his playground ideas in the survey. Outside of playground stuff, I would love to see more trees in the park too. I'd be happy to gift money for extra trees. If Amber or Nestor reply back that this is feasible or allowable, I will follow up with them. Barring adding more trees, please keep the ones we have. on Linkedin Email I'm excited to see the new park. My son, dog, and I get a lot of use out of it now. He helped submit his playground ideas in the survey. Outside of playground stuff, I would love to see more trees in the park too. I'd be happy to gift money for extra trees. If Amber or Nestor reply back that this is feasible or allowable, I will follow up with them. Barring adding more trees, please keep the ones we have. link

    I'm excited to see the new park. My son, dog, and I get a lot of use out of it now. He helped submit his playground ideas in the survey. Outside of playground stuff, I would love to see more trees in the park too. I'd be happy to gift money for extra trees. If Amber or Nestor reply back that this is feasible or allowable, I will follow up with them. Barring adding more trees, please keep the ones we have.

    Duckett asked almost 3 years ago

    We love your enthusiasm! We are not removing any trees for this project and will add trees were possible as a part of the project. We appreciate your offer of a donation.  

  • Share Are you planning on putting bathrooms in the park? on Facebook Share Are you planning on putting bathrooms in the park? on Twitter Share Are you planning on putting bathrooms in the park? on Linkedin Email Are you planning on putting bathrooms in the park? link

    Are you planning on putting bathrooms in the park?

    DBorga asked almost 3 years ago

    We sure are! An enclosure for port-o-lets. Details are forthcoming once we get to draft site plan. Stay tuned to the project page.  

  • Share I’m not a parent or grandparent, so really don’t use the playground equipment, or picnic shelter area a lot, but…I do play pickleball, on the tennis courts, at James E Harrison Park, pretty often! We would REALLY appreciate you including some sort of restroom facilities, even just a structure to house a “Porta Potty,” there at the park, in the future plans! Thanks! on Facebook Share I’m not a parent or grandparent, so really don’t use the playground equipment, or picnic shelter area a lot, but…I do play pickleball, on the tennis courts, at James E Harrison Park, pretty often! We would REALLY appreciate you including some sort of restroom facilities, even just a structure to house a “Porta Potty,” there at the park, in the future plans! Thanks! on Twitter Share I’m not a parent or grandparent, so really don’t use the playground equipment, or picnic shelter area a lot, but…I do play pickleball, on the tennis courts, at James E Harrison Park, pretty often! We would REALLY appreciate you including some sort of restroom facilities, even just a structure to house a “Porta Potty,” there at the park, in the future plans! Thanks! on Linkedin Email I’m not a parent or grandparent, so really don’t use the playground equipment, or picnic shelter area a lot, but…I do play pickleball, on the tennis courts, at James E Harrison Park, pretty often! We would REALLY appreciate you including some sort of restroom facilities, even just a structure to house a “Porta Potty,” there at the park, in the future plans! Thanks! link

    I’m not a parent or grandparent, so really don’t use the playground equipment, or picnic shelter area a lot, but…I do play pickleball, on the tennis courts, at James E Harrison Park, pretty often! We would REALLY appreciate you including some sort of restroom facilities, even just a structure to house a “Porta Potty,” there at the park, in the future plans! Thanks!

    Linda Weed asked almost 3 years ago

    So glad you agree! We will be adding a restroom structure to this park. Likely an enclosure to support port-o-lets. Details will be provided when we reach draft site plan and posted to the project page.