Envision Lakewood 2040 Engagement Hub

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Join the community conversations!

Throughout 2024, we will be working within Phase 2, which is centered around asking our community these two questions: 1) What is our shared vision and values for Lakewood’s future; and 2) How do we get closer to reaching this vision over the next 15 years?

Before we can answer the second question, we need your help identifying our collective shared vision and values are for Lakewood’s future. This page will be the engagement hub for all of the ways you can participate in defining Lakewood's shared Vision and Values for Envision Lakewood 2040.

Engage in multiple ways:

  1. Share a photo or story of your favorite thing to do in Lakewood.
  2. How do you move throughout Lakewood? Map them out for us to see.
  3. Help us spread the word! Share the project page with your friends, family, or neighborhoods.
  4. The Vision and Values survey closed on Feb. 29. Check out the results!

Join the community conversations!

Throughout 2024, we will be working within Phase 2, which is centered around asking our community these two questions: 1) What is our shared vision and values for Lakewood’s future; and 2) How do we get closer to reaching this vision over the next 15 years?

Before we can answer the second question, we need your help identifying our collective shared vision and values are for Lakewood’s future. This page will be the engagement hub for all of the ways you can participate in defining Lakewood's shared Vision and Values for Envision Lakewood 2040.

Engage in multiple ways:

  1. Share a photo or story of your favorite thing to do in Lakewood.
  2. How do you move throughout Lakewood? Map them out for us to see.
  3. Help us spread the word! Share the project page with your friends, family, or neighborhoods.
  4. The Vision and Values survey closed on Feb. 29. Check out the results!

What do you love about Lakewood today?

What is something in Lakewood that is special to you? Share a photo or story of your favorite activity, place or thing in Lakewood. 

Thank you for sharing your story with us.

You need to be signed in to share your story.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

  • Share My Favorite Thing to Do... on Facebook Share My Favorite Thing to Do... on Twitter Share My Favorite Thing to Do... on Linkedin Email My Favorite Thing to Do... link

    My Favorite Thing to Do...

    by Sorely Disappointed, 6 months ago
    ... is to get on any road leading out of this pathetic excuse for a city.
  • Share Peak View Park on Facebook Share Peak View Park on Twitter Share Peak View Park on Linkedin Email Peak View Park link

    Peak View Park

    by GMH, 7 months ago

    Peak View Park is a new crown jewell park in Lakewood featuring solitude, beautiful vistas, and natural vegetation that gets away from the noise and congestion characteristic of Wadsworth Blvd. Every visit to Peak View Park is a close and healing opportunity to immerse ourselves in nature and allowing a calming peace to wash over us. It is our prairie fix.

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    My favorite place

    by mav246, 7 months ago

    Belmar Park is my favorite place to walk and enjoy nature in Lakewood and even if I'm reading in Belmar Library, I can still enjoy the view.

Page last updated: 08 Jul 2024, 10:16 AM