Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Which buildings are part of this program?

A major part of program development will be determining the type and size of applicable buildings, along with exempt buildings. Benchmarking and building performance programs across the country typically include public, commercial, and/or multifamily buildings, with varying minimum square footage.

What about small buildings and single family homes?

Separate programs and resources in support of smaller buildings, including single family homes and small businesses, are being designed and developed outside of this project.

What is the impact on housing and tenant affordability?

Benchmarking has been shown to reduce overall energy use, decreasing utility bills. Staff is researching the impact of a Building Performance program on housing and tenant costs by analyzing similar programs from other communities in the US.

How will the final program requirements be determined?

Staff will work with community stakeholders and technical experts, and gather community-wide input from this page and other engagement platforms, to determine program and policy details to present to City Council for consideration. Key challenges and questions that will be determined include:

  • Program applicability (the types/sizes of buildings included)
  • Flexible pathways for compliance
  • Potential benefits and associated costs
  • Impact on housing and tenant affordability
  • Training and resources for building owners and managers
  • Program impact on the City of Lakewood's GHG reduction goals
  • Administrative costs to implement the program

What is the impact to building owners?

According to an EPA study, building owners who annually reported their energy use for 3 years reduced their overall energy use by 7%. Benchmarking data helps building owners and managers increase awareness of their energy use and provides valuable information to help them plan for future building efficiency improvements. Building Performance Programs are intended to provide building owners with a roadmap to achieve efficiency improvements and transition to clean energy sources, in addition to financial and technical resources to support these improvements.

What about the State of Colorado's Building Performance Standard?

The State of Colorado has a Building Performance Program for owners of commercial, multifamily, and public buildings 50,000 square feet or larger. Staff aims to create a program that will align to state standards where appropriate, reduce program complexity, and streamline reporting and compliance for owners of those applicable buildings.

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