How do Lakewood prices compare to other Colorado communities?
Quick Summary
Trash collection costs relate directly to transportation expenses. The more efficient a collection route, the less fuel and maintenance are required, resulting in lower costs for the hauler, that can be passed along to the customer. In Lakewood, Arvada, Fort Collins and several other Colorado communities, haulers operate in an open system, with customers across the city. In other communities, haulers are responsible for a specific area, which allows the hauler to schedule the most efficient routes possible, resulting in lower costs. Take a look in the Deep Dive section to see how rates in Colorado communities compare.
Deep Dive
Average Lakewood Monthly Prices open subscription system*
- Non-HOA Household, trash without recycling: $15-20
- Non-HOA Household, trash with recycling: $20-25
- HOA Household, trash with recycling: $8-10
Golden Monthly Prices organized collection system**
- Household, small trash (32 gallon) with recycling: $7.50
- Household, large trash (96 gallon) with recycling: $19.25
- Household, small trash (32 gallon) with recycling and compost: $16.95
- Household, large trash (96 gallon) with recycling and compost: $28.70
Denver Monthly Prices municipal system***
- Household, trash with recycling: free (provided through General Fund from sales and property taxes)
- Household, trash with recycling and compost: $10
Edgewater Monthly Prices organized collection system****
- Household, small trash (32 gallon) with recycling: $10
- Household, large trash (96 gallon) with recycling: $20
Fort Collins Monthly Prices open subscription system****
- Household, small trash (30 gallon) with recycling: $13
- Household, large trash (90 gallon) with recycling: $39
- Household, small trash (30 gallon) with recycling and compost: $26
- Household, large trash (90 gallon) with recycling and compost: $52
*According to a 2016 City of Lakewood, CO Trash and Recycling Survey
**According to City of Golden website
***According to City and County of Denver website
****According to a 2016 Report by Skumatz Economic Research Associates, Inc.
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