40 West ArtLine Design Standards & Guidelines

An important aspect of this project is the creation of implementation tools to ensure the ArtLine vision is realized as public and private investment occurs along the route. The 40 West ArtLine Design Standards and Guidelines, or DS&G, are being developed in collaboration with the appointed Lakewood Design Review Commission (DRC), the entity responsible for implementing the DS&G, and other stakeholders. Once developed and adopted, the DS&G will:

• Guide public realm improvements and building design to support the ArtLine vision and promote placemaking within the community.

• Help public and private development contribute to implementing the vision of the ArtLine through improvements to the built environment (streets/public realm, art, buildings, etc.)

The DS&G will address a number of topics related to the ArtLine, including but not limited to the following:

• Overall Streetscape Standards

• ArtLine Marking Standards

• Street Furnishings

• Pedestrian Lighting

• Wayfinding & Signage

• Public Art, Placemaking, and Creative Enhancements

• Architectural topics related to: Ground Floor Building Design, Pedestrian-Oriented Façade Design, Building Materials & Articulation, and Adaptive Reuse of Existing Buildings

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