Traffic signal removal at West 20th Avenue and Oak Street

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Consultation has concluded

An image showing the current configuration of the Oak Street and West 20th Avenue intersection with a stoplight.

UPDATE: The removal of the traffic signal at West 20th Avenue and Oak Street will be completed during the week of March 25. The signal has been covered and has not been operating for over a month.


The traffic signal at West 20th Avenue and Oak Street is nearing the end of its service life and is in need of replacement, the cost of which would be $550,000. To determine if this investment would be necessary or if traffic at the intersection means that the signal could be removed altogether and replaced by stop signs, traffic signal warrant studies (required by the Federal Highway Administration) were conducted in 2022 and 2023. These studies examined maximum traffic volumes, peak traffic hour observations, pedestrian activity, and roadway characteristics such as proximity to schools and railroad crossings, as well as one year of crash history. Earlier in 2023, city transportation engineers also reviewed a five-year crash analysis with data from the Lakewood Police Department.

Based on evidence from these studies, the traffic signal at West 20th Avenue and Oak Street does not meet any criteria justifying the expense of replacement and will be removed from service.

Next steps:

The public will be notified about upcoming changes (see Project Timeline) with signs at the intersection. Because of the closure of Vivian Elementary School, a second school-aged pedestrian count will be performed in the fall. This project is also being timed with a project for stormwater drainage improvements and installation of a sidewalk on the south side of West 20th Avenue from near Owens Court east to Nelson Street. Following the second school-aged pedestrian count and the timeline for the other projects, the signal will enter flash mode for a 30-day period prior to removal. Notification signs will be placed at the intersection when the flash mode is going to occur.

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a question below and a team member will respond.


Traffic data was collected during a typical work week in February 2022. Five factors were evaluated, and none met the criteria established by the Federal Highway Administration for a traffic signal installation.

  • Side street traffic volumes consistently fell below the required thresholds throughout the day, every day of the week.
  • The combined 20th Avenue and side street volumes failed to meet the criteria in any of the four required peak hours.
  • No pedestrians were recorded, failing to meet the minimum requirement of 20 people per hour for a crosswalk.
  • Crashes were reviewed over a span of five years. Three crashes were recorded, and the traffic signal likely contributed to two of the crashes. When a traffic signal is underutilized, it stays green for extended periods of time, and motorists accustomed to a consistent green fail to notice the infrequent red light and can overlook the stop command. Essentially, the signal poses more of a safety risk than a safety asset.
  • Considering roadway features, the signal is not part of a coordinated signal system, is not immediately near a school, and is not used to clear traffic from a railroad crossing.

UPDATE: The removal of the traffic signal at West 20th Avenue and Oak Street will be completed during the week of March 25. The signal has been covered and has not been operating for over a month.


The traffic signal at West 20th Avenue and Oak Street is nearing the end of its service life and is in need of replacement, the cost of which would be $550,000. To determine if this investment would be necessary or if traffic at the intersection means that the signal could be removed altogether and replaced by stop signs, traffic signal warrant studies (required by the Federal Highway Administration) were conducted in 2022 and 2023. These studies examined maximum traffic volumes, peak traffic hour observations, pedestrian activity, and roadway characteristics such as proximity to schools and railroad crossings, as well as one year of crash history. Earlier in 2023, city transportation engineers also reviewed a five-year crash analysis with data from the Lakewood Police Department.

Based on evidence from these studies, the traffic signal at West 20th Avenue and Oak Street does not meet any criteria justifying the expense of replacement and will be removed from service.

Next steps:

The public will be notified about upcoming changes (see Project Timeline) with signs at the intersection. Because of the closure of Vivian Elementary School, a second school-aged pedestrian count will be performed in the fall. This project is also being timed with a project for stormwater drainage improvements and installation of a sidewalk on the south side of West 20th Avenue from near Owens Court east to Nelson Street. Following the second school-aged pedestrian count and the timeline for the other projects, the signal will enter flash mode for a 30-day period prior to removal. Notification signs will be placed at the intersection when the flash mode is going to occur.

If you have any questions or concerns, please leave a question below and a team member will respond.


Traffic data was collected during a typical work week in February 2022. Five factors were evaluated, and none met the criteria established by the Federal Highway Administration for a traffic signal installation.

  • Side street traffic volumes consistently fell below the required thresholds throughout the day, every day of the week.
  • The combined 20th Avenue and side street volumes failed to meet the criteria in any of the four required peak hours.
  • No pedestrians were recorded, failing to meet the minimum requirement of 20 people per hour for a crosswalk.
  • Crashes were reviewed over a span of five years. Three crashes were recorded, and the traffic signal likely contributed to two of the crashes. When a traffic signal is underutilized, it stays green for extended periods of time, and motorists accustomed to a consistent green fail to notice the infrequent red light and can overlook the stop command. Essentially, the signal poses more of a safety risk than a safety asset.
  • Considering roadway features, the signal is not part of a coordinated signal system, is not immediately near a school, and is not used to clear traffic from a railroad crossing.
Consultation has concluded

Ask your question specific to this project here, and city staff will respond within three business days. Questions and answers about this project will be visible to the public. 

For general questions and concerns about the city, please visit, which is the city's online customer service center available online 24 hours a day.

  • Share When is this removal slated to occur? on Facebook Share When is this removal slated to occur? on Twitter Share When is this removal slated to occur? on Linkedin Email When is this removal slated to occur? link

    When is this removal slated to occur?

    Roscoe asked about 1 year ago

    Roscoe -- I apologize for the long delay on this, but there have been a lot of out-of-office time among the team in part because of a surgery. But the latest information is that the Transportation Engineering Division is working with the contractor to see if the removal could be completed in the next two months.

    -- Stacie Oulton
    Public Information Manager

    Roscoe -- The managers for this project are out at a conference until Jan. 15. I've emailed them to ask for information on this when they return. When I receive this, I'll get it to you.

    --Stacie Oulton
    Public Information Manager

  • Share What is happening with this? Has removal been canceled? Things are now well behind the timeline posted on this page. on Facebook Share What is happening with this? Has removal been canceled? Things are now well behind the timeline posted on this page. on Twitter Share What is happening with this? Has removal been canceled? Things are now well behind the timeline posted on this page. on Linkedin Email What is happening with this? Has removal been canceled? Things are now well behind the timeline posted on this page. link

    What is happening with this? Has removal been canceled? Things are now well behind the timeline posted on this page.

    Mike B asked about 1 year ago

    Mike -- Thanks for your question, and I wanted to let you know that the Transportation Engineering Division is working with contractor to see if the removal could be completed in the next two months.


    Stacie Oulton
    Public Information Manager

  • Share Can this light become a pedestrian light? It’s pretty scary to walk through with people zooming by on Facebook Share Can this light become a pedestrian light? It’s pretty scary to walk through with people zooming by on Twitter Share Can this light become a pedestrian light? It’s pretty scary to walk through with people zooming by on Linkedin Email Can this light become a pedestrian light? It’s pretty scary to walk through with people zooming by link

    Can this light become a pedestrian light? It’s pretty scary to walk through with people zooming by

    Commuter asked 12 months ago

    Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, the study for this project and the counts didn't show enough pedestrians crossing West 20th Avenue to warrant having a pedestrian signal. There are other upcoming improvements that will serve pedestrians. This project is part of a larger project that will build a sidewalk on the south side of 20th.


    The Project Team  

  • Share Will there be Stop Signs in all directions once the light is removed? Vehicles will pick up speed along that stretch if there are no stops/slow downs between Simms and Miller on Facebook Share Will there be Stop Signs in all directions once the light is removed? Vehicles will pick up speed along that stretch if there are no stops/slow downs between Simms and Miller on Twitter Share Will there be Stop Signs in all directions once the light is removed? Vehicles will pick up speed along that stretch if there are no stops/slow downs between Simms and Miller on Linkedin Email Will there be Stop Signs in all directions once the light is removed? Vehicles will pick up speed along that stretch if there are no stops/slow downs between Simms and Miller link

    Will there be Stop Signs in all directions once the light is removed? Vehicles will pick up speed along that stretch if there are no stops/slow downs between Simms and Miller

    Ann asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks, Ann, for your interest in this project and asking your question because it has come up a several times and has been answered in the questions below. 

    This isn't going to become a three-way stop with stop signs for a number of reasons.

    While stop signs seem to be a simple way to slow traffic, all-way stops fail to command the respect of motorists when traffic rarely exists on the minor/side street. This results in motorists disobeying the stop command. Installing an all-way stop would increase rear-end crashes and broadside collisions due to motorists forming a habit of not stopping at the unwarranted stop signs. This would increase danger for motorists on Oak Street. 

    Additionally, studies show that when an all-way stop is installed that is not justified, motorists tend to rapidly accelerate from the stop to account for frustration of “lost time.” This adds noise to residential areas because of the rapid acceleration, and studies reveal that vehicles travel faster on roadways beyond the stop sign where the unjustified stop exists than if it were an uninterrupted segment of road.

    The traffic volumes that exist also do not justify an all-way stop at this intersection, as adequate gaps exist to turn onto 20th without the need to stop traffic. The gap study determined that there were ample breaks in traffic for motorists to turn left from Oak onto 20th, which involves locating a gap in traffic from two directions. Turning right to head east on 20th requires fewer gaps in traffic, as it only involves locating a gap in traffic from one direction.


    The Project Team

  • Share When will the sidewalks on 20th be completed? on Facebook Share When will the sidewalks on 20th be completed? on Twitter Share When will the sidewalks on 20th be completed? on Linkedin Email When will the sidewalks on 20th be completed? link

    When will the sidewalks on 20th be completed?

    Smyl71563 asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your interest in the 20th Avenue project. The sidewalk west of Nelson Street is currently moving through final design. Construction is expected to start ahead of the 2024/2025 school year.


    Project Team

  • Share If the stop lite is removed, there will be increased speeding in the school zone adjacent to Fatima School, the speeding is already out of control even with the lite in place...I have repeatedly followed traffic and it usually exceeds 40mph from Miller to Simms. At least they have to slow down for stop lite on Facebook Share If the stop lite is removed, there will be increased speeding in the school zone adjacent to Fatima School, the speeding is already out of control even with the lite in place...I have repeatedly followed traffic and it usually exceeds 40mph from Miller to Simms. At least they have to slow down for stop lite on Twitter Share If the stop lite is removed, there will be increased speeding in the school zone adjacent to Fatima School, the speeding is already out of control even with the lite in place...I have repeatedly followed traffic and it usually exceeds 40mph from Miller to Simms. At least they have to slow down for stop lite on Linkedin Email If the stop lite is removed, there will be increased speeding in the school zone adjacent to Fatima School, the speeding is already out of control even with the lite in place...I have repeatedly followed traffic and it usually exceeds 40mph from Miller to Simms. At least they have to slow down for stop lite link

    If the stop lite is removed, there will be increased speeding in the school zone adjacent to Fatima School, the speeding is already out of control even with the lite in place...I have repeatedly followed traffic and it usually exceeds 40mph from Miller to Simms. At least they have to slow down for stop lite

    Norma asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks, Norma, for asking a question and being interested in this project. The school zone adjacent to Fatima will receive radar feedback signs to alert drivers to their speeding. The first answer in the Frequently Asked Questions section of the website also covers some of the information you are concerned about: The studies of the traffic on 20th showed that 85 percent of motorists on 20th were traveling at 37 m.p.h. or under, and speeds tended to be higher during the overnight hours. Because the traffic signal for motorists on 20th essentially remains green nearly all the time, the signal has no impact on speeds. Additionally, traffic signals are specifically prohibited from being used for speed control by both the state and federal departments of transportation.

    Best regards,

    The Project Team

  • Share Hello, Because of the high volume of traffic and the excessive speeding which occurs along 20th, what is the plan to keep walking pedestrians and bike riders safe, and to keep drivers speeds down? Speeding has been a huge issue along 20th and the traffic signals slow drivers down. Thank you, Alicia/resident on Facebook Share Hello, Because of the high volume of traffic and the excessive speeding which occurs along 20th, what is the plan to keep walking pedestrians and bike riders safe, and to keep drivers speeds down? Speeding has been a huge issue along 20th and the traffic signals slow drivers down. Thank you, Alicia/resident on Twitter Share Hello, Because of the high volume of traffic and the excessive speeding which occurs along 20th, what is the plan to keep walking pedestrians and bike riders safe, and to keep drivers speeds down? Speeding has been a huge issue along 20th and the traffic signals slow drivers down. Thank you, Alicia/resident on Linkedin Email Hello, Because of the high volume of traffic and the excessive speeding which occurs along 20th, what is the plan to keep walking pedestrians and bike riders safe, and to keep drivers speeds down? Speeding has been a huge issue along 20th and the traffic signals slow drivers down. Thank you, Alicia/resident link

    Hello, Because of the high volume of traffic and the excessive speeding which occurs along 20th, what is the plan to keep walking pedestrians and bike riders safe, and to keep drivers speeds down? Speeding has been a huge issue along 20th and the traffic signals slow drivers down. Thank you, Alicia/resident

    Ala asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for your interest in this project and asking your question.

    This signal project is part of a larger project that will include building sidewalks on the south side of West 20th Avenue from near Owens Court east to Nelson Street as highlighted in the project description part of this webpage. A radar feedback signs will also be installed by Lady of Fatima to alert drivers to their speeding.


    The Project Team

  • Share Will it be a 3 way stop? on Facebook Share Will it be a 3 way stop? on Twitter Share Will it be a 3 way stop? on Linkedin Email Will it be a 3 way stop? link

    Will it be a 3 way stop?

    Amy b asked over 1 year ago

    Amy -- Thanks for your question about this intersection becoming a three-way stop. You'll see in the questions that this has been asked, and we have provided an extensive answer to a resident just before you asked your question. Please take a look at that information on and let us know if you have any other questions.


    The Project Team

  • Share I am concerned about traffic speed and turning onto 20th to go east. Needs a 3 way stop sign on Facebook Share I am concerned about traffic speed and turning onto 20th to go east. Needs a 3 way stop sign on Twitter Share I am concerned about traffic speed and turning onto 20th to go east. Needs a 3 way stop sign on Linkedin Email I am concerned about traffic speed and turning onto 20th to go east. Needs a 3 way stop sign link

    I am concerned about traffic speed and turning onto 20th to go east. Needs a 3 way stop sign

    Amy b asked over 1 year ago

    Laurie -- Thanks for your interest in this project and asking your question because it has come up a few times. 

    This isn't going to become a three-way stop with stop signs for a number of reasons.

    Stop signs can't be used as a way to control speeds. Like traffic signals, all-way stops must demonstrate that they meet minimum thresholds to justify stopping vehicles on the primary roadway. While a stop sign seems to be a simple way to slow traffic, all-way stops fail to command the respect of motorists when traffic rarely exists on the minor/side street. This results in motorists disobeying the stop command. 

    Installing an all-way stop would increase rear-end crashes and broadside collisions due to motorists forming a habit of not stopping at the unwarranted stop signs. This would increase danger for motorists on Oak Street. Additionally, studies show that when an all-way stop is installed that is not justified, motorists tend to rapidly accelerate from the stop to account for frustration of “lost time.” This adds noise to residential areas because of the rapid acceleration, and studies reveal that vehicles travel faster on roadways beyond the stop sign where the unjustified stop exists than if it were an uninterrupted segment of road.

    The traffic volumes that exist also do not justify an all-way stop at this intersection, as adequate gaps exist to turn onto 20th without the need to stop traffic. The gap study determined that there were ample breaks in traffic for motorists to turn left from Oak onto 20th, which involves locating a gap in traffic from two directions. Turning right to head east on 20th requires fewer gaps in traffic, as it only involves locating a gap in traffic from one direction.


    The Project Team

  • Share I live near this intersection and use it multiple times every day. I agree that the traffic light is not necessary, but putting in a 3 way stop sign would really make a mess of traffic on 20th Avenue. I don't think it is necessary to make every single car come to a complete stop on 20th Avenue. on Facebook Share I live near this intersection and use it multiple times every day. I agree that the traffic light is not necessary, but putting in a 3 way stop sign would really make a mess of traffic on 20th Avenue. I don't think it is necessary to make every single car come to a complete stop on 20th Avenue. on Twitter Share I live near this intersection and use it multiple times every day. I agree that the traffic light is not necessary, but putting in a 3 way stop sign would really make a mess of traffic on 20th Avenue. I don't think it is necessary to make every single car come to a complete stop on 20th Avenue. on Linkedin Email I live near this intersection and use it multiple times every day. I agree that the traffic light is not necessary, but putting in a 3 way stop sign would really make a mess of traffic on 20th Avenue. I don't think it is necessary to make every single car come to a complete stop on 20th Avenue. link

    I live near this intersection and use it multiple times every day. I agree that the traffic light is not necessary, but putting in a 3 way stop sign would really make a mess of traffic on 20th Avenue. I don't think it is necessary to make every single car come to a complete stop on 20th Avenue.

    Courtney asked over 1 year ago

    Courtney -- Thanks for your interest in this project. We wanted to let you know that traffic on West 20th Avenue will have the right of way, and only traffic on Oak Street will have a stop sign. Even during the phase involving the flash operation, only traffic on Oak Street will face a flashing red light. On 20th, traffic will see a flashing yellow light, which indicates to proceed with caution.


    The project team.